Call to Artists!




May 1st - June 1st 
Palate to Palette

Curated Show

Palate to Palette is the Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center's signature fundraising auction event held annually to support a vibrant community through the Arts in Carpinteria. 


June 12th- August 3rd

A Piece of Carpinteria

All mediums accepted and encouraged

Juried Show

Buy It & Take It Show

Maxmium price $500

Virtual Online Submission (Coming soon)

For assistance, questions, concerns, and Bio please email

Please email Christy with assistance on submitting

Virtual Submission Deadline: Thursday, June 5th at 11:59pm

In-Person Art Drop-Off For Jurying: Monday, June 9th, 10am -2pm.

Exhibit Opens to the Public: Thursday, June 12th at 12pm

Reception: Saturday, June 14th from 4-6pm

Become a member to save $5 on your ingathering submission! 

Become a member

Important: All artwork is available for purchase.  This will be a Buy It & Take It show. Sold artwork can be taken from the gallery at the time of purchase. Artists can bring in a replacement piece the same size or smaller. If you live outside the area and cannot pick up art in person, email to arrange a shipping quote.  Buyers are responsible for the cost of shipping and handling. All sales are final. Thank you for supporting local artists!

Note: If you do not have a replacement piece, we will ask a neighboring artist for a replacement piece.

      **********A photo of you will be taken on Ingathering day**********

Please scroll below to view all rules regarding art accepted into the gallery, as ingathering criteria may have changed.

The jurors for this exhibit will be Chloe Woo and Lety Garcia                                                         


Original artwork will only be accepted. Giclee and/or any reproduction will not be accepted as original art.

Submission information cannot be changed after the deadline has passed (title, price, etc.).  If submission assistance is needed for the online form, arrange a time before the day of the deadline for assistance at
If you cannot make the time window of the physical ingathering, please arrange for an earlier drop off time with

Pieces that have not been submitted online will not be accepted during art drop off. Additonally, your piece(s) will not be accepted if not wired correctly. 



You will receive notification via email if you have selected AND unselected artwork to pick up.  You will be able to pick up unselected artwork during the open hours of the Charles Lo Bue Gallery. Please select the correct number of entries you wish to submit; 1 piece of artwork- 1 Art Submission, 2 pieces of artwork- 2 Art Submissions, or 3 pieces of artwork- 3 Art Submissons.

After you submit your entries, we will need images for our virtual exhibit and for promotion on social media!

Take photographs of your submitted artwork to create image file, and save image file as your first name, last name and the name of artwork (example: "Ted_Rhodes_RinconMountain"). Image files must be a jpeg with a file size maximum of 3000 pixels in height or width.  An upload link will be sent to you via email upon submission completion.

If you are a member of the Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center, to take advantage of your Membership discount, sign in or register for an account on our website here.  If you have created a new account, please allow one hour for your membership to sync with your website account. Once signed in, your membership discount will apply automatically during checkout. If you have any questions or issues, please send an inquiry to

If you are a high school student, email with with "Ingathering Discount" in the subject of the email and a picture of your student ID.  A special discount code will be emailed to you on business days between the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Important, please read art submission requirements HERE

Entry Fees

● 3 piece submission limit per artist, includes collaborative submissions: 1 piece $25, 2 pieces $30, or up to 3 pieces $35
● Online ingathering fees are non-refundable. Please review and prepare your art for installation prior to the art drop off day.
● LFCAC members and high school students receive $5 discount. If you are a high school student, email with "Ingathering Discount" in the subject of the email and a picture of your student ID.  A special discount code will be emailed to you between the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
● All work must be for sale, and 40% commission goes to the Charles Lo Bue Gallery on all sales.

● Our non-profit gallery will appreciate a 40% commission on your pieces from this exhibition that sell outside the gallery within 30 days of the show closing as a result of being in the show.

Ingathering Information

We encourage submission of works that have not graced the walls of the Charles Lo Bue Gallery within the last 12 months.

For the benefit of all artists represented, artwork that is accepted must remain at the Charles Lo Bue Gallery until the last day of the show, 4 p.m., unless the buyer is leaving town or the work is to be shipped. For a "Buy it and Take it" exhibit, customers purchasing artwork will be able to take the artwork once purchased, instead of artwork remaining in the gallery. This means, once artwork is purchased and removed, our Gallery Coordinator will be contacting the artist for a replacement piece to put in the gallery exhibit. Preferences will be for same size and theme of the exhibit. 

Artists who remove artwork before the last day of the show without prior approval from the Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center will be expected to pay the commission based on the price of submission and will be disqualified from all exhibits for 365 days.  If artists do not honor this 40% commission, they will be disqualified from all future exhibits at the Charles Lo Bue Gallery


1 Art Submission 2 Art Submissions 3 Art Submissions

Jewelry Ingathering

For more information, go to our Call to Jewelers Page HERE.
