Upcoming Exhibits


Upcoming exhibits for 2025


January 9th- March 2nd 

Rincon- Queen of the Coast 

All mediums accepted

Buy It & Take It 

Juried Show

Virtual Submission closes Thursday, January 2nd 11:59pm

Ingathering Monday, January 6th 10- 2pm

Glenn Dubock and Amber O'Neil


March 6th- April 27th 

The Art of Everyday

All mediums accepted

Juried Show

Virtual Submission closes Thursday, Febuary 25th 11:59pm

Ingathering Monday, March 3rd 10- 2pm

Gary Campopiano and Ingrid Bostrim


May 1st- June 1st 

Palate to Palette 

All mediums accepted

Curated Show

Virtual Submission closes Thursday, April 24th 11:59pm

Ingathering Monday, April 28th 10- 2pm


June 12th- August 3rd 

A Piece of Carpinteria

All mediums accepted

Buy It & Take It 

Maxium price $500

Juried Show

Virtual Submission closes Thursday, June 5th 11:59pm

Ingathering Monday, June 9th 10- 2pm

Chloe Woo and Lety Garcia


August 7th- September 28th

No Theme

All mediums accepted

Buy It & Take It 

Juried Show

Virtual Submission closes Thursday, July 31st 11:59pm

Ingathering Monday, August 4th 10- 2pm

David Powdrell and Kelly Claus


October 2nd- November 23rd


All mediums accepted

Size limit TBD

Juried Show

Virtual Submission closes Thursday, September 25th 11:59pm

Ingathering Monday, September 29th 10- 2pm

Mystery Jurors






Ingathering Information

Artists who are interested in having their work considered for presentation can check for ingathering information HERE.

Artists who are interested or need information on rules and or hanging instructions can check HERE.

