Senior Arts and Crafts
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Article by Patricia Martellotti, KEYT NewsChannel 3 & 12:

"The south coast city of Carpinteria is home to a lot of people with a lot of life history. Almost a third of the people here are over the age of 55.

It could be a life change or health issues, but many seniors end up alone and without the friends they had throughout their life. This has been concerning to some mental health experts.

In a recent survey, Carpinteria saw a desparate need for more social activities focused on seniors. 

City leaders are now working with local organizations to help make those new memories, starting with senior socials - a recreational program exploding in popularity.

Senior socials raised the stakes in its Western Barbecue outing at the GranVida Senior Living and Memory Car with kids, animals and a whole bunch of very appreciative residents.  

Organizers of this Western Barbecue said they're hoping to offer more opportunities for seniors with the youth in the community.

Directors at GranVida Senior Living and Memory Care said they believe this unique opportunity with animals, kids and seniors was like going on a wild ride."

Martellotti, P. Senior Socials in Carpinteria: Senior recreational program explodes in popularity. News Channel 3-12.







