2024: Imagine...
See Each Piece and Artist Statements
Purchase our Teen Mural Merchandise Now!
On June 12th Carpinteria youth, adult volunteers, and artists Janey Cohen and John Wullbrandt gathered together for a "painting party" to create a collaborative mural. Youth then took home white panels, paint, and paintbrushes to create their own paintings for the Teen Mural Project 2024 with the theme "Imagine..." Panels were returned on July 17th and the new teen mural was revealed on September 8th to the delight of the artists and the community.
2023: Good Things: Big and Small
On September 10th the teens and the community attended the unveiling of the 2023 mural!
See Each Piece & Artist Statements
On June 14th the Arts Center hosted the 2023 Teen Mural and Restoration Party! The teens worked on restoring the whale mural, enjoyed lunch together, and picked up their individual panels for the teen mural.
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Megan Isaac- Community Artist
2022: In My Life
2021: Together Again
Read Teen's Statements on their Art Pieces
Sponsored by the Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center, Carpinteria Beautiful, and The Carpinteria Woman's Club
2020: Together/ApART
In 2020, did you see this beautiful mural in the heart of downtown Carpinteria? It was Together/ApART, and the panels were painted by artists aged 11 -19. In this collaborative installation, the students boldly expressed how both the quarantine and the recent protests affected their lives in 2020.
There were 39 panels, each measuring 2' x 2', or 4 square feet, for a total of 156 square feet. The left side of the inaugural installation was 24 feet long and 10 feet high, and the right side was 18 feet long and 8 feet high. The outside measurement as installed for 2020 at the Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center was 42' x 10'.
Read Teen's Statements on their Art Pieces

June 2019: The Road Ahead
Following the end of every school year the Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center hosts many programs and events. To kick off each summer a wall is built by Lowell Schuyler, Jean-Claude Rivalland and Bryan Mootz using funds from Carpinteria Beautiful and the Carpinteria Woman's Club for local teens to paint on. This year it covered the facade of the "old art cottage".
At 10 am on June 19 over 30 teenagers assembled in the Center's courtyard to paint an 8' by 40' mural titled "The Road Ahead". Following an inspiring pep talk by artist and teacher Janey Cohen about envisioning our individual and collective futures, these young artists painted until 4 pm stopping only briefly for a delicious lunch provided by Doralee Jacobson of Jack's Bagels. In the prior week leading up to this event all art classes led by teacher Ryan Ethington from the Carpinteria Middle School made field trips to the Center for gallery orientation by Art Center coordinator Kristina Calkins and a lesson in mural painting where they sketched out ideas of what they saw in their future.
This is only one example of the LFCAC providing skilled professional artists and art teachers for a myriad of educational programs across the art spectrum. The Carpinteria community guided by a dedicated core team and the exceptional generosity of a number of passionate individuals have created a home for the arts in the epicenter of town. Although acquisition, extensive and costly remodeling of 865 Linden Ave. make it appear that an emphasis was placed on the architecture, I can assure you that the programs and opportunities found at this beautiful facility are the priority.
The theme "The Road Ahead" for the 2019 Teen Mural Project was chosen for a number of reasons. Now that major renovations and additions have been made we can look to the future of art in our community in what was once called "Step One Gallery". Borrowing the colors and patterns of the courtyard paving, the painted image of an infinite and open road extending beyond the Center provided space for young artists to use their imaginations freely. Under the watchful eye of several volunteers that included Lynda Fairly herself, guidance was offered with mixing colors. Assisting with painting techniques throughout the day were numerous local artists including fine artists Stuart Carey, Janey Cohen, professional muralist Ernie Merlan and many other talented painters and volunteers.
The eclectic and unrestricted subject matter came entirely from each student who worked in harmony yet retained their individual contribution. This was a lesson for all off us in free artistic expression and the decisions we all make in choosing our own paths as we travel together. The mural is also a metaphor showing interest, involvement and support coming from Carpinteria Teenagers in the redesigned art center.
On behalf of Carpinteria Teens, I thank Carpinteria Beautiful, The Carpinteria Woman's Club, Jack's Bagels and of course The Lynda Fairly Carpinteria Arts Center, its Board of Directors and most of all the many volunteers including the dedicated individuals not mentioned here.

Now that we have an enviable small art institution of the highest caliber in the heart of our community as our base, artists of all ages are invited to join us on The Road Ahead.
Artfully submitted,
John Wullbrandt
2018: Carnevale Agamograph
Video by Larry Nimmer

What is an Agamograph?
An agamograph is a series of images that change at different angles. This work is named after the Israeli sculptor, Yaacov Agam who was born in 1928 and still living today (2017). This artist is known for his optical and kinetic art.
His first solo exhibition was at the Galerie Craven in Paris in 1953, entitled Peintures en Mouvement (Paintings in movement), where he showed two series of early work. In one, grids of painted strips that incorporated different designs on opposite sides created images that merged and changed as spectators shifted their viewing position (a type of lenticular print that eventually became known as an Agamograph).
In 1996, UNESCO awarded Agam the Jan Amos Comenius Medal for the "Agam Method" for the nonverbal visual education of young children. Agam lives and works in Paris.
2017: Day and Night
2016: Land & Sea
2014: The Great Wave off Kanagawa & Carpinteria