Artists Studio Tour (Art Submission)

The Carpinteria & Summerland Artists Studio Tour happens every Mother's Day weekend to promote and support our local emerging and established professional-level artists with this opportunity for the public to meet them, view their work, and explore their creative space. 

Please fill out the following form to submit three art pieces from your studio. Three pieces are mandatory, the fourth and fifth pieces are optional.


     Art feaured is from Cathy Winton, 2020/2021 artist

This field is required.
This field is required.
What name would you like your studio to have when listed in the printed program?
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.
Enter a numeric value only, for example: 250. Do not include '$'
This field is required.
Please provide 3-5 sentences about your piece: your inspiration, your process, etc.! We will display this in the gallery, our website, and social media.
This field is required.
In inches, type the integer of the art height
This field is required.
In inches, type the integer of the art width
This field is required.
For 3-D pieces, in inches, type the integer of the art depth
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.
Enter a numeric value only, for example: 250. Do not include '$'
This field is required.
Please provide 3-5 sentences about your piece: your inspiration, your process, etc.! We will display this in the gallery, our website, and social media.
This field is required.
In inches, type the integer of the art height
This field is required.
In inches, type the integer of the art width
This field is required.
For 3-D pieces, in inches, type the integer of the art depth
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.
Enter a numeric value only, for example: 250. Do not include '$'
This field is required.
Please provide 3-5 sentences about your piece: your inspiration, your process, etc.! We will display this in the gallery, our website, and social media.
This field is required.
In inches, type the integer of the art height
This field is required.
In inches, type the integer of the art width
This field is required.
For 3-D pieces, in inches, type the integer of the art depth
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.
Enter a numeric value only, for example: 250. Do not include '$'
This field is required.
Please provide 3-5 sentences about your piece: your inspiration, your process, etc.! We will display this in the gallery, our website, and social media.
This field is required.
In inches, type the integer of the art height
This field is required.
In inches, type the integer of the art width
This field is required.
For 3-D pieces, in inches, type the integer of the art depth
This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.
Enter a numeric value only, for example: 250. Do not include '$'
This field is required.
Please provide 3-5 sentences about your piece: your inspiration, your process, etc.! We will display this in the gallery, our website, and social media.
This field is required.
In inches, type the integer of the art height
This field is required.
In inches, type the integer of the art width
This field is required.
For 3-D pieces, in inches, type the integer of the art depth